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Every child matters

An orange square showing the words, "Every Child Matters."

The uncovering of unmarked and undocumented graves on or near former residential school sites continues to be brought to light throughout Canada. It is a stark reminder of the daily trauma Indigenous people across the country have lived for generations. Words cannot express our heartbreak and our thoughts are with the Survivors and their families - we stand beside you as you grieve.

Make time to learn

As Senator Murray Sinclair stated in the Truth and Reconciliation Final Report, “Education got us into this mess. Education will get us out of it.”

We encourage you to make time to learn more about residential schools by:

Supports available

There is a lot of pain and trauma being surfaced as this tragic news continues to unfold, including Survivor knowledge of other children not yet found. We hope you will all take care of yourselves and each other and remember the College supports available for employees and students (login required) if you need them.

There is also support available through:

  • The Indian Residential School Survivors Society ( (Toll-free telephone: 1-800-721-0066).
  • A national Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for former students and those affected. Access emotional and crisis referral services by calling the 24-hour national crisis line: 1-866-925-4419.
  • The Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Crisis and Referral Centre is available at 1-855-379-2099.
  • For Indigenous staff members who are interested in joining the Indigenous Employee Resource Network (login required), please connect with the network co-chairs.
  • For Indigenous students who would like to join the student network, please reach out to one of our Student Advisors, Indigenous Supports (login required).

Our commitment

Through our newly formed Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion department, we are committed to bringing matters of social justice to light, informing, educating and ensuring all voices are heard.

NSCC will be planting a white cedar tree - cedar is a sacred medicine that represents protection - at each campus. A plaque will signify the tree honours all victims and Survivors of the Indian residential school system, including those of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School.

Moving forward the College will be collecting feedback on the first Indigenous Education Framework that will guide us on the path with reconciliAction.
