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A day in the life: Shaun Day

Get to know Shaun, an NSCC Valedictorian

Name: Shaun Day
Program: Digital Animation (2D)
NSCC Campus: Truro
Class of: 2023

What brought you to NSCC and to this program?
My wife attended NSCC IT Campus in 2015 and had a wonderful experience. It was intriguing to see the great relationships she made with both instructors and peers, and really painted a nice picture of community and support. Which made my decision to enroll quite easy. I have always been an artist and always dreamt of being an animator someday but eventually made my way into a carpentry career. After suffering from a back injury in 2018, it was time for a change. In the form of my childhood dream.

What’s something that has surprised you about NSCC?
The overall sense of community really surprised me. We were a truly diverse campus, and the way I saw us all come together through such circumstances as the pandemic and hurricane during our studies was extremely inspiring.

What has been your most memorable NSCC moment so far?
My most memorable moment would have to be being nominated for Truro Campus Valedictorian of 2023. I had an hour drive to and from campus every day, and I would often daydream on my drive about what I would say to my class if I had the chance to grab the mic on my way across the stage for my diploma. Fortunately, after a lot of hard work and dedication, I was nominated, interviewed, and offered the opportunity to address the amazing class of 2023.

What do you love most about your program?
I really enjoyed the hands-on aspect of my course. I attended a different college in 2004 and it was a vastly different experience, in the way the curriculum was presented. This time around my instructors were very engaging, encouraging and always available to help.

What do you plan to do when you graduate?
I plan to continue growing and learning in my industry. I had the opportunity after my first year to work for local animation studio Cartoon Conrad for my work term, then was hired for the remainder of the summer. I returned to this studio full-time in April, and plan to contribute here in every way that I can!

What advice would you give to a friend considering NSCC/your program?
I am incredibly happy with my outcome here, and I would say if this is what you want to do, then this is the place for it! Also, to be open and willing to accept feedback!

What is the best advice you’ve received that’s helped you during your time at NSCC?
I think the best piece of advice I have received during my time at NSCC would be to take time and be patient with myself. You’re not going to get the objective right, the first time, every time. And that is ok.

A day in the life


6:30 am – Wake up in the hotel room to my wife and son screaming "It's graduation day!!!"

7 am – Head down to the lobby for a pretty decent buffet breakfast at the hotel.

8 am – Start to get ready for the day! Do some hand drawing practice, shower and get our outfits ready for the ceremony.

Shaun leans against the NSCC Truro sign in front of a large building.

9 am – Take my son to the hotel pool for the morning and time him as he practices how long he can tread water. And of course, cannon balls!

10 am – My family and I go to a local art gallery across the street from the hotel to check out some awesome indigenous artwork by Alan Syliboy.

11 am – Grab some coffees and head back to hotel to get dressed and ready for Convocation.


12 pm – I arrive at the arena to meet up with my speech coach. We do a sound check and final runthrough of when and where I'll be on stage during the ceremony.

1 pm – I head upstairs to grab my gown and stole. My stole is blue and white, representing my digital animation diploma. Lots of people are piling in now, so I'm trying to greet and get lots of pictures with everyone.

1:30 pm – I'm enjoying seeing and chatting with all my peers that I haven’t seen for a few weeks now, but I’m starting to feel quite nervous and anxious about my speech, so I go for a walk around the arena to take a breath and gather my thoughts.

2 pm – The procession of graduates is about to begin, so I find my place in line and catch up with a few more friends.

2:30 pm – The beautiful drumming begins and we march downstairs and into the arena.

Shaun poses with NSCC President Don Bureaux as he's handed his diploma.

3 pm – The ceremony begins and we all sit to hear the Principal’s welcome, President's remarks, then watch each other get our diplomas.

4:30 pm – Time to go back on stage with a few of my peers to receive our major awards. I was given the NSCC Alumni Award.

5 pm – I'm invited to the podium to make my valedictory address to the Truro Campus Class of 2023. I'm quite overwhelmed at this point, but with the help and encouragement of all my classmates, I take a moment to wipe a tear away, and am able to make it through the rest of my speech with pride.

5:30 pm – After the ceremony, I meet back up with my family to take some pictures at the NSCC photo booth, and then head over to the reception room for some refreshments and congratulations!

Shaun poses with his family in a photo booth.


6:30 pm – My family and I head to a local pasta restaurant for a well deserved dinner with one of my classmates and his family. I’ve been so anxious today that I haven’t eaten much since breakfast, so I get a huge plate of fish and chips!

8:30 pm – Say good-bye to everyone at dinner and head back to our hotel. My son wants to go back to the pool so we take him down again for some evening swim practice.

10:00 pm – My family and I head back to the hotel room for bed and talk about how we can’t believe it’s all over, and the wonderful day we just had with everyone. Then I do a quick check of NSCC's social media to see all the great posts and pictures from Convocation before drifting off to sleep.
