Linda Macleod's Story

My name is Linda MacLeod, and I am an instructor at NSCC, Ivany Campus. In May, I completed a two-week project in Arusha, Tanzania, called the Happiness Project.
In the 29 years I have worked with NSCC, this project was one of the most incredible experiences of my career. As I reflect on the 14 days in Tanzania, I know the memories I made will remain with me forever.
As one who likes to organize, I can place my memories into two categories…with blurry lines in between. I think about the Tanzanians, their culture, their spirit, and their pride. They are surrounded by genuine beauty; not the kind of beauty you buy in a store, or that needs time and money to create, but real beauty. The geography; the abundance of the most amazing birds, animals, trees, and flowers; their history and their stories. While there, I felt a unique sense of calmness. I witnessed the mutual respect, friendship, and the kindness of their people.
My memories are also about the Happiness Project and the shared experiences between NSCC students/faculty and the Tanzanian students, faculty, and the staff we were fortunate to work and learn from. To watch the development of friendships, and the connections that were created along with the formal and informal learning that happens when people come together, was a such a gift!
Attached are just a couple of a few hundred photos I snapped while on the project. The national animal of Tanzania, and a true reflection of the country, is the giraffe; large, powerful, but graceful. It has always been one of my favourite animals, and as fate would happen, one of the first animals I saw while on safari. Another photo shows the open, vast beauty of Lake Manyara National Park, after the sun has settled behind the clouds. The last photo is just a brief snippet but speaks to the shared learning and respect between our two cultures.
Truly, it was a cool experience! To anyone who will listen, I apologize. 😊 I cannot imagine I will ever stop talking about it.
Thank you NSCC International! Thank you VHTTI! Thank you to the wonderful staff and students I met. A very special thank you to Michelle Doucette, my colleague, my mentor, and my new friend!