Social Entrepreneurship Project in Vietnam - Destiny Tobin's Story

Well, where do I start about this experience? The new friends, the delicious food, the beautiful country?
Being 19 with little experience leaving the tiny island of Cape Breton, I was nervous to say the least. However, upon arriving in Vietnam, despite being a visitor from the other side of the world, I was greeted with the most hospitable smile from the locals! I very quickly felt at home in an unfamiliar country.
The culture shock set in rather quickly, with the hustling markets, the unforgiving heat, and the chaotic traffic – I found myself having to throw out everything that I once knew to adjust to the different way of life.
After some slight adjustments, (and a little bit of jet lag), I quickly found myself in “awe” of the country – it was unlike anything I had ever seen! All the smells, sights, and experiences had me in a whirlwind of excitement.
My adventures in Tra Vinh, however, contained some of the most memorable moments that I will not soon forget. The students, thrilled by our partnership, did whatever they possibly could to help us adjust to their way of life.
They opened their hearts to us, sharing their personality, culture, and friendships. I have learned so much from them and can only hope that they learned so much from me in return. I am so thankful for the lifelong friendships that I have built through this experience and cannot wait to find myself back in Vietnam again.
Destiny Tobin
Social Services Student
NSCC Marconi Campus