International Days in Social Work in Austria - Grace Densmore's Story

This opportunity has been nothing short of amazing.
The weeks leading up to traveling became exciting and overwhelming. This was the first time I was leaving my husband and children, the idea of missing them had me worried. I had also hit a few bumps along the way, some days I thought I wasn’t going to make it. I knew if I pushed through and made it travel day, things would start looking up.
This trip instantly became so much more than what I had pictured in my head. Going to the airport and meeting all these new people that I would be spending the next two weeks with, I never imagined the bond I would grow with them.
Once arriving in Linz, we were met with what felt like Nova Scotia weather; warm and unpredictable, beautiful scenery, delicious food and a cozy hotel. The next morning we started our adventure bright and early. Meeting our coordinators and heading for Salzburg and the salt mines. It was the perfect first day and a great view into what would be our next two weeks.
There is no way I could pick one thing that I enjoyed or learned from the most. Every workshop, site visit and lecture was interesting and always kept my attention. I have always been person to love listing to people. I was able to hear and learn from so many students and faculty from different parts of the world. I was able to see the differences and similarities between my country and theirs. I have enjoyed every opportunity to learn about social work through a different lens. Everyday there was something new to learn.
One thing that has stuck with me during this trip was even with the stresses of leaving my home traveling outside of Canada for the first time, I had a very strong sense of calmness, mindfulness and independence. It has been something I have taken home with me and want to continue to work on in the future. This experience would be something I would suggest to anyone and am very thankful for everything it has brought me.
Grace Densmore
Social Services Student
NSCC, Burridge Campus